75 research outputs found

    CHARACTER BUILDING PADA MANUSIA (Analisis Terhadap Budaya Suku Dayak Losarang Indramayu)

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    Humans are unique creatures because they have a different character each other. The character is a strong trait of a man that its formation is influenced by their culture. The tribe of Dayak Losarang in Indramayu district is one of unique custom that located in urban area. Their uniqueness is including how to dress, how to communicate, how to worship and make sense of life. Push factors and pull factors that make them survive in indigenous communities are some rituals which are: a) kungkum, b) pepe, c) ngaula ning anak rabbi, d) ruatan putri keraton, e) pemurnian diri (self-purification), and f) Kliwon Friday night


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    mata pelajaran PAI yang diidentikkan dengan pembelajaran yang bersifat hapalan, pasif dan hanya beroerintasi kepada buku teks. Hal ini dikuatkan oleh peran guru PAI yang mengajar tanpa desain instruksional yang matang dan mengandalkan kebiasaannya sebagai pemberi nasihat dalam pengajaran. Pembelajaran bersifat satu arah dan lebih banyak diisi dengan ceramah dari guru. Tujuan penelitian untuk merancang desain instruksional berdasarkan model Kemp yang dielaborasi dengan pendekatan kooperatif learning metode STAD pada kompetensi Fiqih. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif sebagai kerangka, patokan dan asas, dan metode penelitian ialah kajian isi dengan memanfaatkan seperangkat prosedur untuk menarik kesimpulan yang benar dari berbagai sumber buku dan dokumen. Hasil penulisan ialah rancangan pembelajaran PAI dengan model Kemp yang terdiri dari sepuluh unsur, dimulai dari pernyataan tujuan umum dan diakhiri dengan evaluasi hasil belajar. Pembelajaran PAI akan lebih bermakna apabila guru PAI mau mengembangkan desain instruksional model Kemp ini. Implikasi penulisan ini, perlu ditindaklanjuti dengan kajian praktik lapangan untuk mengetahui efektifitas dan efisiensi desain instruksional model Kemp

    Overview of Wordwall-based Simulation Games Learning Model To Increase Student Learning Motivation Upon PAI Subjects

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    This research is inspired by the existence of a traditional learning process in the midst of the development of science and technology, which causes students' enthusiasm to learn to decrease. The learning process is plagued by low learning outcomes, Consequently, the purpose of this research is to present the learning model of simulation games based on Wordwall as a learning medium that can enhance students' motivation to learn. The research method combines quantitative and descriptive techniques. This research was carried at SDN 6 Sindangsuka with 1 class and 30 students in total. This research's data were gathered by observation, interviews, documentation studies, and Likert-scale questionnaires. The measure consists of 15 items whose validity and reliability have been examined. On the basis of the processed data, it was discovered that this Wordwall-based game simulation learning model can generate an engaging learning atmosphere that can enhance student motivation to learn by 81%


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    This research aims to help mentally disabled students to pray independently by giving suggestion to parrents and teachers. Qualitative approach using interview, observation and documentation are used to collect data. Result shows that some mentally disabled students have not been able to have five times praying with correct reading prayer and movement. Parents can ask to pray together, invite teacher and provide some media. Meanwhile, teacher could make schedule for praying together and make a realia. Constraints faced are lack of mentally disabled knowledge, no appropriate realia and lack of attention  toward mentally disabled students

    Improving the Morals of Karimah Santri at Al-Ihsan Islamic Boarding School

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    An effective learning environment is a very important factor in the educational process to achieve educational goals. Akhlakul Karimah is the goal to be achieved in the Islamic education process. Islamic boarding schools are educational institutions that function as institutions for spreading and developing Islamic religious knowledge as well as institutions that function as producers of national cadres who have good norms and values. So, Islamic boarding schools must be designed in such a way that they can function as they should. This research aims to determine the environment of the Al Ihsan Islamic Boarding School as an effective environment in improving the morals and morals of students. The approach used is a qualitative approach. The methods used in this research are observation and interviews. The location of this research is the Al Ihsan Islamic Boarding School. The research results show that physically Al Ihsan is a clean, comfortable, safe, and beautiful Islamic boarding school. Socially, Al Ihsan and his students have a spirit of justice, responsibility, and cooperation. In terms of social systems, it has a good administrative system. Culturally, the institution created is very good, this can be seen from the material which is a combination of traditional books and contemporary books which makes Al Ihsan students literate in moderate modern sciences and a different organizational culture which will lead the students to achieve noble morals


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                Vegetation that grows naturally in certain areas is a reflection of the interaction of various environmental factors and may change at any time. Under oil palm trees, there are several types of vegetation that have the potential to be used as animal feed, but it has not been identified yet. This study aimed to examine the types of vegetation that grows under the oil palm trees, and could potentially be used for animal feed. Observations were conducted on 3 groups of oil palm plantations aged above 10 years which belong to:  i.e. smallholder oil palm, private estates, and state estates company. In each group, it was taken 8 plots so there were 24 plots in total. Parameters observed were the types of plants (i.e. grass, legume, and weed), plant nutrient content (determined by using proximate analysis), microclimate and soil organic matter content (C and N), and soil pH. Collected data were analyzed descriptively, and were followed by a t test.   Results showed that herbages grow in palm-oil plantation in the Ness village are more various than that of in the Arang-arang village.  Ottocloa nodosa and Eulisine indica are two grasses species that might be potential in the Arang-arang village which has a pity soil type, while Leersia hexandra, Paspalum sp., and Ottocloa nodosa are species of grasses which grow in the Ness village which has a yellow-red podsolic soil type.  The existence of Melastoma malabathricum in the Arang-arang village should be considered as this species contains poisonous substances.  Calopogonium sp. and Mimosa sp. are spesies of legumes that could be developed in palm-oil pasture to improve N content of herbages.  Nitrogen or mineral fertilization might be needed to improve soil fertility of different soil types.Key words: oil palm, vegetation, weeds, animal feed, soi

    Meningkatkan Kemampuan Mengenal Pola ABCD-ABCD melalui Metode Pemberian Tugas

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mengenal pola ABCD-ABCD di TK Tunas Harapan. Penelitian ini menggunakan Pendekatan Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yaitu dengan 2 siklus, masing-masing siklus 5 RPPH. Hasil Penelitian Pada kondisi awal sebelum tindakan perbaikan yaitu dengan kriteria berkembang sangat baik hanya 2 anak atau sama dengan 10%, pada siklus 1 meningkat menjadi 4 anak atau sama dengan 20%, dan pada siklus 2 meningkat secara signifikan menjadi 15 anak atau sama dengan 75%. Untuk kriteria berkembang sesuai harapan, pada kondisi awal 5 anak atau sama dengan 25%, pada siklus 1 meningkat menjadi 11 atau sama dengan 55%, dan pada siklus 2 menjadi 5 anak atau sama dengan 25%. Untuk kriteria mulai berkembang pada kondisi awal 9 anak atau sama dengan 45%, pada siklus 1 berkurang menjadi 5 anak atau sama dengan 25%, dan pada siklus 2 menjadi 0 atau sama dengan 0%. Untuk kriteria belum berkembang pada kondisi awal 4 anak atau 20% pada siklus 1 dan 2 tidak ada atau 0%


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    Young learner education aims to increase belief, personality, and daily worship. This research focus on parents and teachers roles increasing belief of children in kindergarten. Islamic counseling in kindergarten is not spesifically programmed since it is still integrated with religion program. Applying moral and religious values is considered  important including 1) basic belief to Allah SWT, 2) basic personality, and 3) children habit in daily worship. Result shows that some children in kindergarten have not applied daily worship appropriately. Parents support are asking praying together, inviting religion teacher, and providing media. Teacher can make schedule for praying together and making media of praying.


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    One of many ways of conceiving individual personality is by observing and analyzing his or her behavior. Bandura said that we need to know how people interact with the world around them. Sometimes any actions and his or her interaction with environment can be contrary to values that holds by their society. However—Bandura was also point out and human behavior can be predicted and modified by altering their behavior through learning. This learning processes must also considering the capacity of each person according to each own ability to think and how they interact with their surrounding environment. Based on social learning theory, behavior can be altered and modified through modeling, which is used to shape and molding a new behavior that can be approved by society and eliminating any unwanted behavior. Basic principle from this modeling is a goal that client can create, shape and mold new behavior through imitation or copying someone else’s behavior or people that become a model figure for them